Find the Flow (FTF20210122)

‘The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place’ by George Bernard Shaw

The need for clear, concise and confident communication has never been greater with more online meetings and more impactful social media.

By participating in this session you will receive advice and practical guidance in such areas as: appropriate vocabulary, diplomatic disagreement, how and when to interrupt, the use of the word ‘however’ and the political art of compromise – not to mention the idioms, jargon and slang that is so often used in English.


● Opening the session, Ulla Pegg, Finnbrit

● What are natural conversations made of? Blake, Finnbrit

  • Practice:
    • introductions
    • natural conversations: best ways to start a conversation, ways of responding to questions and counter arguments
    • natural conversations: ways to propose solutions and ways to ensure shared understanding

● Closing the session, let’s talk – where do we go from here?

The conversations will be facilitated by Blake who has extensive experience in Business English Training and does it with a solid pedagogical expertise in an enjoyable, relaxed, and useful manner.

Join us for online discussion, dialogue and debate leading to more natural, confident and expressive conversations! Registration is free of charge.