Click the photos to watch Finnbrits wishing happy 95th anniversary

“So let me thank you for the remarkable work you do as I congratulate the Finnbrits on the past 95 years and wish you a bright future on the way to your 100 anniversary in just a few years time. Thank you.”
Minister for Foreign Affairs Pekka Haavisto

“Their [Finnbrit’s] values of inclusion, diversity and lifelong learning are very much ones which I and the British embassy share. I wish them the best of luck and good fortune for this anniversary year and for the future.”
Ambassador Tom Dodd

“This year you have reached a true age of maturity, one well-worth celebrating. One can not say that you have seen it all but you surely can state that the journey has been worthwhile. Let us continue this journey together. Thank you so much.”
State Secretary Tuomo Puumala

“Some of the best friends I have today I met through the Finnbrits. It’s always a warm, welcome place to be. I really enjoy going there.”
Multi-talented Cynde

“As we celebrate the 95th anniversary of the society, I would like to express my thanks to all the members, volunteers and staff throughout all these years. I look forward to many more successful years to come.”
Niina Lemettilä, Chair of the Council

“Finnbrit has been a very important part of my adventure here in Finland, not only a place of employment but also a place where I’ve had many happy memories.”
Henry, teacher

“In the future, I think that already in August, we all are able to have a toast for Helsinki Finnbrits and we wish you all the best for the next five years towards 100 years.”
Marjut Salminen, Chair of the Federation of the Finnish British Societies

“Finnbrit has been responsible for a lot of activities, cultural and otherwise, and I’d like to wish Finnbrit’s and all who sail therein happy 95th anniversary.”
Multi-talented Tony

“We at Finnbrit are trying to make Helsinki and the capital area a more inclusive and diverse place to live and work, even if your first language is not Finnish.”
Ulla Pegg, Executive Director