
Annual General Meeting – AGM 2021

Invitation to the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Finnish-British Society Ry

Dear Finnbrit Member, we hope you are safe and well!

The Annual General Meeting of the Finnish-British Society will be held on Tuesday 11 May 2021 at 17:00. All Finnbrit members are very welcome to attend.

Please inform the office of your attendance by the 4th May, 2021 by sending a mail to finnbrit@finnbrit.fi. The meeting will be held online due to current pandemic circumstance. You will receive a meeting link prior to the meeting via email.

The Finnbrit Council

The Council has minimum of 6 meetings and an AGM every year. The council meetings last for about 1,5 hours at a time and are usually held at the Finnbrit premises on Fredrikinkatu 20 A 9, 00120, Helsinki. However, during 2020, the meetings have been and continue to be held online due to the pandemic restrictions. The members of the Council are elected for one year at a time from the AGM to the following AGM. The Council discusses and makes decisions about the activities of the Finnbrit, for example, finances, the use of premises, English Language courses, exams and test services and the social programme.

If you are interested in joining the Finnbrit Council, please contact:

Chair of the Council, Niina Lemettilä, email: niina@finnbrit.fi.

The Annual General Meeting

The following matters shall be dealt with at the Annual General Meeting of the Society:

  1. Opening the meeting
  2. The election of the chairman, secretary, two scrutineers of the minutes and, if necessary, two tellers
  3. Approving the agenda of the meeting
  4. Presenting the annual report and the auditors’ report
  5. The granting or refusal to grant the Council and other responsible parties release from responsibility
  6. Confirming the action plan, the budget and the membership fees and joining fee
  7. Election of the Council and the chairperson and two vice-chairpersons from among their number
  8. Election of one or two auditors and at least one and no more than two deputy auditors
  9. Election of any committees or authorising the Council to appoint such committees
  10. Other matters presented in the letter convening the meeting

Proposals for any matters to be discussed at the Annual General Meeting shall be submitted to the Council in writing at the time of registration at the latest.

Kind Regards,

The Council of the Finnish-British Society Ry

8 April 2021