The Social Committee meets c. every 6 weeks to discuss and arrange events. All members are volunteers. Your role as the chair is to invite the participants to the meetings, prepare the agenda and chair the meetings. The meetings are very informal and fun!
You may wish to nominate a secretary at each meeting who records minutes. This is to keep track of decisions, actions and all the ideas for future events for the group to discuss later. You may also arrange “just-for-fun” activities for the Social Committee to meet up / “test run” some events! The Social Committee aims to arrange minimum of one event per month.
The budget for the Social Committee activities is determined on an annual basis. Usually, we are able to offer small nibblies in the meetings and events and sponsor tickets to exhibitions or theatre performances for our members. Events are often free for our members and offered at a small fee to non-members. All events are arranged in English.
The role of the Social Committee is pivotal in Finnbrit operations, enabling us to promote diversity and friendships in English, inviting everyone to join!