For Students

Take your university admission test or other exams in Finland instead of travelling abroad!

Students are welcome to use the following services for their benefit:

  • Admissions testing for foreign universities
  • Other exam services for foreign universities
  • Room rentals / work area rentals for quiet studying space
  • Translations and proofreading of personal statements, CVs, etc.

Take your university admission test, e.g. BMAT, TMUA, and others, here in Helsinki. A university admissions testing event takes place typically once a year in the autumn.

Are you studying abroad or need to complete the final certification exam (diplomikääntäjän tutkintotodistus)? You can use our other exam services throughout the year.

Please see the Meeting room rental page for options on a quiet study space in the middle of Helsinki, and see our Translations and Proofreading page for services in that area.