Together with our associated groups and partners, we aim to make the Helsinki area a better place by offering opportunities in English for educational and professional development and by promoting diverse cultural relations.
We cooperate with partners, associated groups, and interest groups such as the British Council, the British Embassy, the Federation of Finnish-British Societies, the Finn-Brit Players, ), NEaT (Nordic Editors and Translators), and IESAF (International English Speakers Association of Finland).
The British Embassy, Helsinki+–
The British Embassy in Helsinki maintains and develops relations between the UK and Finland. Finnbrit collaborates with the British Embassy with a focus on cultural and educational activities, e.g. the Study in the UK campaign.
The British Council+–
The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. They are a registered charity that operates on six continents and more than 100 countries, bringing international opportunities to everyday life. Finnbrit collaborates with the British Council on language testing and cultural activities.
Cambridge English+–
Cambridge English is an international exams group that designs and delivers assessments to more than 8 million learners in over 170 countries.
Federation of Finnish-British Societies+–
The Federation of Finnish-British Societies operates in Finland, is a registered not-for-profit association, and acts as an umbrella organisation for all Finnish-British Societies in Finland. The Finnish-British Society in Tampere was set up just after the war in the 1940s, and the other Societies around Finland — in Oulu, Turku, and Kuopio — were set up in the 1970s. The Federation was set up in 1979 to coordinate the work of the Societies.
Today, the Federation organises activities and seminars. The main topics circle around the English language, culture, literature, presentation skills, and many international issues. The Federation organises a national English Language essay competition annually, together with Finnbrit, and a national debating competition for high school students. The Federation also publishes the Finn-Brits Magazine, to which Finnbrits in the Helsinki area contribute regularly.
Finn-Brit Players+–
The Finn-Brit Players is a Helsinki-based amateur dramatic society whose origins date back to the early 1950s.
The Players produce several fully staged productions per year, in addition to organising smaller events such as play readings, rehearsed readings, performance poetry, spoken word events, theatre workshops, karaoke evenings, and a variety of other social happenings.
In 2020, the Players started running the NoName Theatre in Helsinki.
Over the years, the collaboration has changed and evolved. Typically, we at Finnbrit publicise the Finn-Brit Players events, arrange for groups to go and see their plays, and offer Finn-Brit Players a central location for practising plays and readings. The group often performs at our events.
International English Speakers’ Association of Finland (IESAF)+–
IESAF is an established part of the community and prides itself on being open and available to everyone. It is a volunteer organisation of international people living in and around Finland who communicate in English.
Finnbrit arranges a great place for meeting and chatting at the Knitting Club, together with IESAF.
NEaT: Nordic Editors and Translators+–
Established in 2014, Nordic Editors and Translators (NEaT) is a registered association providing education, professional development, and networking for editors and translators working in the English language in Finland and the Nordic countries.
Finnbrit collaborates with the NEaT by hosting NEaT events and publicising their opportunities.