Finnbrit Mahjong Club 2025

First and third Wednesday of each month
16:30 – 18:00
Welcome to the Finnbrit Mahjong Club! Mahjong is a compelling, easily learned table game for four people, played with a set of 144 pieces called ’tiles’. The aim of the game is to collect four sets of tiles, three sets made up of three or four identical tiles, plus a pair.
You are also welcome to play other board games if you prefer. Bring the game of your choice with you, and play it with others during the Mahjong Club.
15 January,
5 & 19 February,
5 & 19 March,
2 & 16 April,
7 & 21 May,
4 & 18 June,
2 & 16 July,
6 & 20 August,
3 & 17 September,
1 & 15 October,
5 & 19 November,
3 & 17 December.
It is free for members and 20€ for non-members (for the whole series).
Please contact group leader Tricia for more details