
The Historical Founding Documents of the Finnish-British Society r.y.

The Finnish-British Society was founded on the 15th of April 1926 as an association. It’s creation was documented in meeting minutes attached to a registration form. The meeting was attended by 58 people, and the association was given the name “Suomalais-Englantilainen Yhdistys”, i.e the “Anglo-Finnish Society.”. During the meeting on the 30th of March 1927, the name of the association was changed to the “Finnish-British Society”, with 120 members present at the meeting. The name has stayed the same since! The association was registered on the 4th of April 1930 by the “Sosialiministeriö”, as the Finnish Patent and Registration office (PRH) did not yet exist. The Memorandum of Association and the original Constitution from 1926 can found via the link below.

Some extracts from the meeting minutes and the constitution:
  • Great Britain is called “Suur-Britannia” in Finnish, instead of the current translation of “Iso-Britannia”
  • At the time, the Council had 15 members
  • The rules at the time state that the meeting invites were to be sent “kirjeellisellä kutsulla taikka sanomalehti-ilmoituksella”
  • Similar to the current rules: should the association be dissolved or closed down, all its assets are to be given to an active organization with similar purpose for public service