YO-Exam Tutoring: Listening Comprehension

You will receive focused personal guidance, get to simulate the test situation, and receive detailed individual feedback and recommendations from the teacher. 

The sessions in the module take place within one calendar week. The module consists of a 60-minute session online in a small group (max 4 students) with a teacher, followed by self-study practices to be completed before another 30-minute group session, and a 30-minute individual feedback and development session with the teacher. The self-study practices offer you the possibility to practice the listening comprehension test at home and get feedback on your performance by sending your results to the teacher before your individual feedback and development session.

Choose the dates that work for you and book focused YO-exam preparation study modules!

Length of course: 3 sessions all within one week, incl. guided and structured self-study with feedback. 

Number of lessons: 1,5 hours + self study and individual feedback

Course location: This is a blended learning module which includes a teacher-led online small group session + self-study + a teacher-led online individual feedback and development session.

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