Cambridge Teaching Knowledge Test (TKT)

TKT is a series of modular teaching qualifications which test your knowledge in specific areas of English language teaching. It will help you to build your confidence, and is a cost-effective way to get an internationally recognised qualification. Whether you are a new teacher or have years of experience, TKT is ideal for people who need to prove their teaching knowledge with a globally recognised certificate.

You can take as many modules as you want, over any time period. You receive a Cambridge English certificate for each module you complete.

Prove your teaching knowledge with this series of flexible tests

Core modules:
Module 1 – Language and background to language learning and teaching
Module 2 – Planning lessons and use of resources for language teaching
Module 3 – Managing the teaching and learning process

Specialist modules:
TKT: CLIL – Content and Language Integrated Learning module

The exam will take place at Finnbrit, Helsinki, Finland. The single-module exam is 1h 20m long.

** This booking method is for the TKT: CLIL – Content and Language Integrated Learning module taking place on Tuesday 3 October 2023. You must bring a current valid passport with you to the test. **